The Twelve Cell Salt Singles/Kali Sulph

The Twelve Cell Salt Singles

These special homeopathic single remedies help the body find what it needs from your diet, supplements and reserves to keep cells, organs and systems healthy and in sync

Kali Sulph

                    Restorative Cell Salt

As recorded in Dr Schuessler’s Biochemic Theory,this tissue salt’s source(potassium sulphate)transfers oxygen from the lungs to the iron in our blood and from the blood to the tissue cells.It is a crucial part of our skin,mucus membranes and repiratory systems.Without potassium sulphate,systems stagnate,thus this natural cell salt’s cleansing applications include many conditions with yellow mucus including colds,croupy coughs,sinus or ear congestions,vaginal irritation or diarrhea,as well as skin conditions such as yellow flaky dandruff,skin eruptions or itchy rashes.Other symptoms that suggest a need for Kali Sulph include a yellow coating on the tongue,a sensitivity to heat.shifting joint pains.acute wheezy bronchial irritation,and beauty fatique with a stuffy or boxed-in feeling.
