Homeopathic Remedy Arnica


Arnica for shock too?
Absolutely!If after an accident,a person says,”No,I am fine,don’t touch me,I don’t need a doctor.”when it is obvious they need help,Arnica is ideal.If however, they are panicking and want help desperately,that kind of reaction calls for Aconite.

If this remedy were in every glove compartment,first aid box,purse,office,suitcase,gym bag.dugout,countless hours of pain and aggravation could be saved.A dose after every head injury is very highly recommended,but please call your practioner even if it feels better.

Arnicas’ Favorite Season!

As you prepare for this summer’s fun and fitness, stock up on Arnica.

Beyond first aid,Arnica can be taken before or after exercise to minimize soreness, swelling and pain. Old injuries that still hurt,might need Arnica to set things right.

Arnica spectrum:

  1. Bumps and bruises
  2. Muscle Strain
  3. Joint pain
  4. New injuries

5-Old injuries
