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Known as "Bone-set", from the prompt manner in which it relieves pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of febrile disease, like malaria and influenza. Eupatorium acts principally upon the gastro-hepatic organs and bronchial mucous membrane. It is a boon in miasmatic districts, along rivers, marshes, etc, and in all conditions where there is a great deal of bone-pain. Cachexia from old chronic, bilious intermittents. Worn-out constitutions from inebriety. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Bone-pains, general and severe. Soreness. Marked periodicity (Ars; China; Cedron).

Head.--Throbbing pain. Pressure as if a cap of lead pressed over the whole skull. Vertigo; sensation of falling to left. Vomiting of bile. Top and back of head with pain and soreness of eyeballs. Periodical headache, every third and seventh day. Occipital pain after lying down, with sense of weight.

Mouth.--Cracks in corners of mouth, yellow coated tongue, thirst.

Stomach.--Tongue yellow. Taste bitter. Hepatic region sore. Great thirst. Vomiting and purging of bile, of green liquid several quarts at a time. Vomiting preceded by thirst. Hiccough (Sulph ac; Hydrocy ac). Avoids tight clothing.

Stool.--Frequent, green watery. Cramps. Constipated, with sore liver.

Respiratory.--Coryza, with sneezing. Hoarseness and cough, with soreness in chest; must support it. Influenza, with great soreness of muscles and bones. Chronic loose cough, chest sore; worse at night. Cough relieved by getting on hands and knees.

Fever.--Perspiration relieves all symptoms except headache. Chill between 7 and 9 am, preceded by thirst with great soreness and aching of bones. Nausea, vomiting of bile at close of chill or hot stage; throbbing headache. Knows chill is coming on because he cannot drink enough.

Extremities.--Aching pain in back. Aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh. Aching in arms and wrists. Swelling of left great toe. Gouty soreness and inflamed nodosities of joints, associated with headache. Dropsical swelling.

Modalities.--Worse, periodically. Better, by conversation, by getting on hands and knees.

Relationship.--Compare: Bryon; Sepia; Natr mur; Chelidon. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (bilious fever; insatiable thirst; bitter vomiting at close of chill; also constipation of children).

Dose.--Tincture, to third attenuation.




Manifests itself in inflaming the conjunctival membrane especially, producing profuse lachrymation. Patient is better in open air. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes especially of eyes and nose. Profuse acrid lachrymation and bland coryza; worse, evening. Hawking up of offensive mucus.

Head.--Bursting headache with dazzling of eyes. Catarrhal headache, with profuse discharge from eyes and nose.

Nose.--Profuse, fluent coryza, with violent cough and abundant expectoration.

Eyes.--Catarrhal conjunctivitis; discharge of acrid matter. The eyes water all the time. Acrid lachrymation; bland coryza (Opposite: Cepa). Discharge thick and excoriating (Mercur thin and acrid). Burning and swelling of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Free discharge of acrid matter. Sticky mucus on cornea; must wink to remove it. Pressure in eyes. Little blisters on cornea. Opacities. Rheumatic iritis. Ptosis (Gels; Caust).

Face.--Redness and heat of cheeks. Stiffness of upper lip.

Stomach.--Vomiting from hawking mucus. Nausea and bitterness after smoking.

Rectum.--Dysentery. Prolapse ani. Pressure down in anus when sitting. Constipation.

Female.--Menses painful; flow lasts only an hour or day; late, scanty, short. Amenorrhoea, with ophthalmia.

Male.--Spasmodic retraction of genitals, with pressure above pubic bone. Condyloma and sycotic excrescences. Prostatitis. Nocturnal irritability of bladder; dribbling urine.

Respiratory.--Frequent yawning when walking in open air. Profuse, fluent coryza in morning, with much cough and expectoration. Influenza. Gags when clearing the throat in morning. Whooping-cough only in day-time, with profuse lachrymation.

Skin.--First stage of measles; eye symptoms marked. Consequence of external injuries.

Sleep.--Yawning when walking in open air. Sleepy during day.

Fever.--Chilly and cold. Sweat mostly on chest, at night during sleep.

Modalities.--Worse, in evening, indoors, warmth; south winds; from light. Better, from coffee, in dark.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Camph; Puls. Compare: Hydrophyllum-Burr -flower--(catarrhal inflammation of eyes; hot lachrymation with itching, swollen lids, dull headache; also for effects of Poison-Oak); Cepa; Ars; Gels; Kali hyd; Sabadilla.

Dose.--Third to sixth potency.


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Arsenious Acid-Arsenic Trioxide

A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue. Its clear-cut characteristic symptoms and correspondence to many severe types of disease make its homeopathic employment constant and certain. Its general symptoms often alone lead to its successful application. Among these the all-prevailing debility, exhaustion, and restlessness, with nightly aggravation, are most important. Great exhaustion after the slightest exertion. This, with the peculiar irritability of fiber, gives the characteristic irritable weakness. Burning pains. Unquenchable thirst. Burning relieved by heat. Seaside complaints (Nat mur; Aqua Marina). Injurious effects of fruits, especially more watery ones. Gives quiet and ease to the last moments of life when given in high potency. Fear fright and worry. Green discharges. Infantile Kala-azar (Dr. Neatby).

Ars should be thought of in ailments from alcoholism, ptomaine poisoning, stings, dissecting wounds, chewing tobacco; ill effects from decayed food or animal matter; odor of discharges is putrid; in complaints that return annually. Anaemia and chlorosis. Degenerative changes. Gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition. Reduces the refractive index of blood serum (also China and Ferr phos). Maintains the system under the stress of malignancy regardless of location. Malarial cachexia. Septic infections and low vitality.

Mind.--Great anguish and restlessness. Changes place continually. Fears, of death, of being left alone. Great fear, with cold sweat. Thinks it useless to take medicine. Suicidal. Hallucinations of smell and sight. Despair drives him from place to place. Miserly, malicious, selfish, lacks courage. General sensibility increased (Hep). Sensitive to disorder and confusion.

Head.--Headaches relieves by cold, other symptoms worse. Periodical burning pains, with restlessness; with cold skin. Hemicrania, with icy feeling of scalp and great weakness. Sensitive head in open air. Delirium tremens; cursing and raving; vicious. Head is in constant motion. Scalp itches intolerably; circular patches of bare spots; rough, dirty, sensitive, and covered with dry scales; nightly burning and itching; dandruff. Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair.

Eyes.--Burning in eyes, with acrid lachrymation. Lids red, ulcerated, scabby, scaly, granulated. Å’dema around eyes. External inflammation, with extreme painfulness; burning, hot, and excoriating lachrymation. Corneal ulceration. Intense photophobia; better external warmth. Ciliary neuralgia, with fine burning pain.

Ears.--Skin within, raw and burning. Thin, excoriating, offensive otorrhoea. Roaring in ears, during a paroxysm of pain.

Nose.--Thin, watery, excoriating discharge. Nose feels stopped up. Sneezing without relief. Hay-fever and coryza; worse in open air; better indoors. Burning and bleeding. Acne of nose. Lupus.

Face.--Swollen, pale, yellow, cachectic, sunken, cold, and covered with sweat (Acetic acid). Expression of agony. Tearing needle-like pains; burning. Lips black, livid. Angry, circumscribed flush of cheeks.

Mouth.--Unhealthy, easily-bleeding gums. Ulceration of mouth with dryness and burning heat. Epithelioma of lips. Tongue dry, clean, and red; stitching and burning pain in tongue, ulcerated with blue color. Bloody saliva. Neuralgia of teeth; feel long and very sore; worse after midnight; better warmth. Metallic taste. Gulping up of burning water.

Throat.--Swollen, oedematous, constricted, burning, unable to swallow. Diphtheritic membrane, looks dry and wrinkled.

Stomach.--Cannot bear the sight or smell of food. Great thirst; drinks much, but little at a time. Nausea, retching, vomiting, after eating or drinking. Anxiety in pit of stomach. Burning pain. Craves acids and coffee. Heartburn; gulping up of acid and bitter substances which seem to excoriate the throat. Long-lasting eructations. Vomiting of blood, bile, green mucus, or brown-black mixed with blood. Stomach extremely irritable; seems raw, as if torn. Gastralgia from slightest food or drink. Dyspepsia from vinegar, acids, ice-cream, ice-water, tobacco. Terrible fear and dyspnoea, with gastralgia; also faintness, icy coldness, great exhaustion. Malignant symptoms. Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus, which seems as if closed and nothing would pass. Ill effects of vegetable diet, melons, and watery fruits generally. Craves milk.

Abdomen.--Gnawing, burning pains like coals of fire; relieved by heat. Liver and spleen enlarged and painful. Ascites and anasarca. Abdomen swollen and painful. Pain as from a wound in abdomen on coughing.

Rectum.--Painful, spasmodic protrusion of rectum. Tenesmus. Burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus.

Stool.--Small, offensive, dark, with much prostration. Worse at night, and after eating and drinking; from chilling stomach, alcoholic abuse, spoiled meat. Dysentery dark, bloody, very offensive. Cholera, with intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst. Body cold as ice (Verat). Haemorrhoids burn like fire; relieved by heat. Skin excoriated about anus.

Urine.--Scanty, burning, involuntary. Bladder as if paralyzed. Albuminous. Epithelial cells; cylindrical clots of fibrin and globules of pus and blood. After urinating, feeling of weakness in abdomen. Bright's disease. Diabetes.

Female.--Menses too profuse and too soon. Burning in ovarian region. Leucorrhoea, acrid, burning, offensive, thin. Pain as from red-hot wires; worse least exertion; causes great fatigue; better in warm room. Menorrhagia. Stitching pain in pelvis extending down the thigh.

Respiratory.--Unable to lie down; fears suffocation. Air-passages constricted. Asthma worse midnight. Burning in chest. Suffocative catarrh. Cough worse after midnight; worse lying on back. Expectoration scanty, frothy. Darting pain through upper third of right lung. Wheezing respiration. Haemoptysis with pain between shoulders; burning heat all over. Cough dry, as from sulphur fumes; after drinking.

Heart.--Palpitation, pain, dyspnoea, faintness. Irritable heart in smokers and tobacco-chewers. Pulse more rapid in morning (Sulph). Dilatation. Cyanosis. Fatty degeneration. Angina pectoris, with pain in neck and occiput.

Back.--Weakness in small of back. Drawing in of shoulders. Pain and burning in back (Oxal ac).

Extremities.--Trembling, twitching, spasms, weakness, heaviness, uneasiness. Cramps in calves. Swelling of feet. Sciatica. Burning pains. Peripheral neuritis. Diabetic gangrene. Ulcers on heel (Cepa; Lamium). Paralysis of lower limbs with atrophy.

Skin.--Itching, burning, swellings; oedema, eruption, papular, dry, rough, scaly; worse cold and scratching. Malignant pustules. Ulcers with offensive discharge. Anthrax. Poisoned wounds. Urticaria, with burning and restlessness. Psoriasis. Scirrhus. Icy coldness of body. Epithelioma of the skin. Gangrenous inflammations.

Sleep.--Disturbed, anxious, restless. Must have head raised by pillows. Suffocative fits during sleep. Sleeps with hands over head. Dreams are full of care and fear. Drowsy, sleeping sickness.

Fever.--High temperature. Periodicity marked with adynamia. Septic fevers. Intermittent. Paroxysms incomplete, with marked exhaustion. Hay-fever. Cold sweats. Typhoid, not too early; often after Rhus. Complete exhaustion. Delirium; worse after midnight. Great restlessness. Great heat about 3 am.

Modalities.--Worse, wet weather, after midnight; from cold, cold drinks, or food. Seashore. Right side. Better from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks.

Complementary: Rhus; Carbo; Phos. Thuja; Secale. Antidotal to lead poison.

Antidotes: Opium; Carbo; China; Hepar; Nux. Chemical Antidotes: Charcoal; Hydrated Peroxide of Iron; Lime Water.

Compare: Arsenic stibatum 3x (Chest inflammations of children, restlessness with thirst and prostration, loose mucous cough, oppression, hurried respiration, crepitant rales). Cenchris contortrix; Iod; Phosph; China; Verat alb; Carbo; Kali phos. Epilobium (intractable diarrhoea of typhoid). Hoang Nan. Atoxyl. Sodium arseniate 3x, sleeping sickness; commencing optic atrophy. Levico Water--(containing Ars, Iron and Copper of South Tyrol). Chronic and dyscratic skin diseases, chorea minor and spasms in scrofulous and anaemic children. Favors assimilation and increases nutrition. Debility and skin diseases, especially after the use of higher potencies where progress seems suspended. Dose. Ten drops in wine glass of warm water 3 times a day after meals (Burnett). Sarcolatic acid (influenza with violent vomiting).

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. The very highest potencies often yield brilliant results.

Low attenuations in gastric, intestinal, and kidney diseases; higher in neuralgias, nervous diseases, and skin. But if only surface conditions call for it, give the lowest potencies, 2x to 3x trit. Repeated doses advisable.


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Leopard's Bane


Produces conditions upon the system quite similar to those resulting from injuries, falls, blows, contusions. Tinnitus aurium. Putrid phenomena. Septic conditions; prophylactic of pus infection. Apoplexy, red, full face.

It is especially suited to cases when any injury, however remote, seems to have caused the present trouble. After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains. Arnica is disposed to cerebral congestion. Acts best in plethoric, feebly in debilitated with impoverished blood, cardiac dropsy with dyspnoea. A muscular tonic. Traumatism of grief, remorse or sudden realization of financial loss. Limbs and body ache as if beaten; joints as if sprained. Bed feels too hard. Marked effect on the blood. Affects the venous system inducing stasis. Echymosis and haemorrhages. Relaxed blood vessels, black and blue spots. Tendency to haemorrhage and low-fever states. Tendency to tissue degeneration, septic conditions, abscesses that do not mature. Sore, lame, bruised feeling. Neuralgias originating in disturbances of pneumo-gastric. Rheumatism of muscular and tendinous tissue, especially of back and shoulders. Aversion to tobacco. Influenza. Thrombosis. Hematocele.

Mind.--Fears touch, or the approach of anyone. Unconscious; when spoken to answers correctly, but relapses. Indifference; inability to perform continuous active work; morose, delirious. Nervous; cannot bear pain; whole body oversensitive. Says there is nothing the matter with him. Wants to be let alone. Agoraphobia (fear of space). After mental strain or shock.

Head.--Hot, with cold body; confused; sensitiveness of brain, with sharp, pinching pains. Scalp feels contracted. Cold spot on forehead. Chronic vertigo; objects whirl about especially when walking.

Eyes.--Diplopia from traumatism, muscular paralysis, retinal haemorrhage. Bruised, sore feeling in eyes after close work. Must keep eyes open. Dizzy on closing them. Feel tired and weary after sight-seeing, moving pictures, etc.

Ears.--Noises in ear caused by rush of blood to the head. Shooting in and around ears. Blood from ears. Dullness of hearing after concussion. Pain in cartilages of ears as if bruised.

Nose.--Bleeding after every fit of coughing, dark fluid blood. Nose feels sore; cold.

Mouth.--Fetid breath. Dry and thirsty. Bitter taste (Colocy). Taste as from bad eggs. Soreness of gums after teeth extraction (Sepia). Empyaema of maxillary sinus.

Face.--Sunken; very red. Heat in lips. Herpes in face.

Stomach.--Longing for vinegar. Distaste for milk and meat. Canine hunger. Vomiting of blood. Pain in stomach during eating. Repletion with loathing. Oppressive gases pass upward and downward. Pressure as from a stone. Feeling as if stomach were passing against spine. Fetid vomiting.

Abdomen.--Stitches under false ribs. Distended; offensive flatus. Sharp thrusts through abdomen.

Stool.--Straining of tenesmus in diarrhoea. Offensive, brown, bloody, putrid, involuntary. Looks like brown yeast. Must lie down after every stool. Diarrhoea of consumption; worse lying on left side. Dysenteric stools with muscular pains.

Urine.--Retained from over-exertion. Dark brick-red sediment. Vesical tenesmus with very painful micturition.

Female.--Bruised parts after labor. Violent after-pains. Uterine haemorrhage from mechanical injury after coition. Sore nipples. Mastitis from injury. Feeling as if foetus were lying crosswise.

Respiratory.--Coughs depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, worse exercise. Acute tonsillitis, swelling of soft palate and uvula. Pneumonia; approaching paralysis. Hoarseness from overuse of voice. Raw, sore feeling in morning. Cough produced by weeping and lamenting. Dry, from tickling low down in trachea. Bloody expectoration. Dyspnoea with haemoptysis. All bones and cartilages of chest painful. Violent spasmodic cough, with facial herpes. Whooping cough, child cries before coughing. Pleurodynia (Ranunc; Cimicif).

Heart.--Angina pectoris; pain especially severe in elbow of left arm. Stitches in heart. Pulse feeble and irregular. Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnoea. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. Fatty heart and hypertrophy.

Extremities.--Gout. Great fear of being touched or approached. Pain in back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling. Soreness after overexertion. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Deathly coldness of forearm. Cannot walk erect, on account of bruised pain in pelvic region. Rheumatism begins low down and works up (Ledum).

Skin.--Black and blue. Itching, burning, eruption of small pimples. Crops of small boils (Ichthyol; Silica). Ecchymosis. Bed sores (Bovinine locally). Acne indurata, characterized by symmetry in distribution.

Sleep.--Sleepless and restless when over tired. Comatose drowsiness; awakens with hot head; dreams of death, mutilated bodies, anxious and terrible. Horrors in the night. Involuntary stools during sleep.

Fever.--Febrile symptoms closely related to typhoid. Shivering over whole body. Heat and redness of head, with coolness of rest of body. Internal heat; feet and hands cold. Nightly sour sweats.

Modalities.--Worse, least touch; motion; rest; wine; damp cold. Better, lying down, or with head low.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Camph.

Vitex trifolia.--Indian Arnica (Sprains and pains, headache in temples, pain in joints; pain in abdomen; pain in testicles).

Complementary: Acon; Ipec.

Compare: Acon; Bapt; Bellis; Hamam; Rhus; Hyperic.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. Locally, the tincture, but should never be applied hot or at all when abrasions or cuts are present.


Wild Indigo


The symptoms of this drug are of an asthenic type, simulating low fevers, septic conditions of the blood, malarial poisoning and extreme prostration. Indescribable sick feeling. Great muscular soreness and putrid phenomena always are present. All the secretions are offensive-breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc. Epidemic influenza. Chronic intestinal toxaemias of children with fetid stools and eructations.

Baptisia in low dilutions produces a form of anti-bodies to the bac typhosus, viz, the agglutinins (Mellon). Thus it raises the natural bodily resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication, which produces the typhoid syndrome. Typhoid carriers. After inoculation with anti-typhoid serum. Intermittent pulse, especially in the aged.

Mind.--Wild, wandering feeling. Inability to think. Mental confusion. Ideas confused. Illusion of divided personality. Thinks he is broken or double, and tosses about the bed trying to get pieces together (Cajeput). Delirium, wandering, muttering. Perfect indifference. Falls asleep while being spoken to. Melancholia, with stupor.

Head.--Confused, swimming feeling. Vertigo; pressure at root of nose. Skin of forehead feels tight; seems drawn to back of head. Feels too large, heavy, numb. Soreness of eyeballs. Brain feels sore. Stupor; falls asleep while spoken to. Early deafness in typhoid conditions. Eyelids heavy.

Face.--Besotted look. Dark red. Pain at root of nose. Muscles of jaw rigid.

Mouth.--Taste flat, bitter. Teeth and gums sore, ulcerated. Breath fetid. Tongue feels burned; yellowish-brown; edges red and shining. Dry and brown in center, with dry and glistening edges; surface cracked and sore. Can swallow liquids only; least solid food gags.

Throat.--Dark redness of tonsils and soft palate. Constriction, contraction of oesophagus (Cajeput). Great difficulty in swallowing solid food. Painless sore throat, and offensive discharge. Contraction at cardiac orifice.

Stomach.--Can swallow only liquids, vomiting due to spasm of oesophagus. Gastric fever. No appetite. Constant desire for water. Sinking feeling at stomach. Pain in epigastric region. Feeling of hard substance (Abies nig). All symptoms worse from beer (Kali bich). Cardiac orifice contracted convulsively and ulcerative inflammation of stomach and bowels.

Abdomen.--Right side markedly affected. Distended and rumbling. Soreness over region of gall-bladder, with diarrhoea. Stools very offensive, thin, dark, bloody. Soreness of abdomen, in region of liver. Dysentery of old people.

Female.--Threatened miscarriage from mental depression, shock, watching, low fevers. Menses too early, too profuse. Lochia acrid, fetid. Puerperal fever.

Respiratory.--Lungs feel compressed, breathing difficult; seeks open window. Fears going to sleep on account of nightmare and sense of suffocation. Constriction of chest.

Back and Extremities.--Neck tired. Stiffness and pain, aching and drawing in arms and legs. Pain in sacrum, around hips and legs. Sore and bruised. Decubitus.

Sleep.--Sleepless and restless. Nightmare and frightful dreams. Cannot get herself together, feels scattered about bed. Falls asleep while answering a question.

Skin.--Livid spots all over body and limbs. Burning and heat in skin (Arsenic). Putrid ulcers with stupor, low delirium and prostration.

Fever.--Chill, with rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. Heat all over, with occasional chills. Chill about 11 am.Adynamic fevers. Typhus fever. Shipboard fever.

Modalities.--Worse; Humid heat; fog; indoors.

Relationship.--Compare: Bryonia and Arsenic may be needed to complete the favorable reaction. Ailanthus differs, being more painful. Baptisia more painless. Rhus; Muriat acid; Arsenic; Bryon; Arnica; Echinac. Pyrogen.

Baptisia confusia (Pain in right jaw and oppression in left hypochondrium, producing dyspnoea and necessity to assume erect position).

Dose.--Tincture, to twelfth attenuation. Has rather short action.


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Tartar Emetic. Tartrate of Antimony and Potash

Has many symptoms in common with Antimonium Crudum but also many peculiar to itself. Clinically, its therapeutic application has been confined largely to the treatment of respiratory diseases, rattling of mucus with little expectoration has been a guiding symptom. There is much drowsiness, debility and sweat characteristic of the drug, which group should always be more or less present, when the drug is prescribed. Gastric affections of drunkards and gouty subjects. Cholera morbus. Sensation of coldness in blood-vessels. Bilharziasis. Antimonium tart is homeopathic to dysuria, strangury, haematuria, albuminuria, catarrh of bladder and urethra, burning in rectum, bloody mucous stools, etc. Antimon tart acts indirectly on the parasites by stimulating the oxidizing action of the protective substance. By-effects following injection for Bilharziasis. Chills and contractures and pain in muscles.

Trembling of whole body, great prostration and faintness. Lumbago. Chills, contractures and muscular pains. Warts on glans penis.

Mind and Head.--Vertigo alternates with drowsiness. Great despondency. Fear of being alone. Muttering, delirium, and stupor. Vertigo, with dullness and confusion. Band-like feeling over forehead. Face pale and sunken. Child will not be touched without whining. Headache as from a band compressing (Nit ac).

Tongue.--Coated, pasty, thick white, with red edges. Red and dry, especially in the center. Brown.

Face.--Cold, blue, pale; covered with cold sweat. Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw (Gelsem).

Stomach.--Difficult deglutition of liquids. Vomiting in any position, excepting lying on right side. Nausea, retching, and vomiting, especially after food, with deathly faintness and prostration. Thirst for cold water, little and often, and desire for apples, fruits, and acids generally. Nausea produces fear; with pressure in praecordial region, followed by headache with yawning and lachrymation and vomiting.

Abdomen.--Spasmodic colic, much flatus. Pressure in abdomen, especially on stooping forward. Cholera morbus. Diarrhoea in eruptive diseases.

Urinary.--Burning in urethra during and after urinating. Last drops bloody with pain in bladder. Urging increased. Catarrh of bladder and urethra. Stricture. Orchitis.

Respiratory Organs.--Hoarseness. Great rattling of mucus, but very little is expectorated. Velvety feeling in chest. Burning sensation in chest, which ascends to throat. Rapid, short, difficult breathing; seems as if he would suffocate; must sit up. Emphysema of the aged. Coughing and gaping consecutively. Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus. Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx. Å’dema and impending paralysis of lungs. Much palpitation, with uncomfortable hot feeling. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling. Dizziness, with cough. Dyspnoea relieved by eructation. Cough and dyspnoea better lying on right side--(opposite Badiaga).

Back.--Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region. Slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat. Sensation of heavy weight at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time. Twitching of muscles; limbs tremulous.

Skin.--Pustular eruption, leaving a bluish-red mark. Small-pox. Warts.

Fever.--Coldness, trembling, and chilliness. Intense heat. Copious perspiration. Cold, clammy sweat, with great faintness. Intermittent fever with lethargic condition.

Sleep.--Great drowsiness. On falling asleep electric-like shocks. Irresistible inclination to sleep with nearly all complaints.

Modalities.--Worse, in evening; from lying down at night; from warmth; in damp cold weather; from all sour things and milk. Better, from sitting erect; from eructation and expectoration.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Puls; Sepia.

Compare: Kali sulph; Ipecac.

Dose.--Second and sixth trituration. The lower potencies sometimes aggravate.




Manifests itself in inflaming the conjunctival membrane especially, producing profuse lachrymation. Patient is better in open air. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes especially of eyes and nose. Profuse acrid lachrymation and bland coryza; worse, evening. Hawking up of offensive mucus.

Head.--Bursting headache with dazzling of eyes. Catarrhal headache, with profuse discharge from eyes and nose.

Nose.--Profuse, fluent coryza, with violent cough and abundant expectoration.

Eyes.--Catarrhal conjunctivitis; discharge of acrid matter. The eyes water all the time. Acrid lachrymation; bland coryza (Opposite: Cepa). Discharge thick and excoriating (Mercur thin and acrid). Burning and swelling of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Free discharge of acrid matter. Sticky mucus on cornea; must wink to remove it. Pressure in eyes. Little blisters on cornea. Opacities. Rheumatic iritis. Ptosis (Gels; Caust).

Face.--Redness and heat of cheeks. Stiffness of upper lip.

Stomach.--Vomiting from hawking mucus. Nausea and bitterness after smoking.

Rectum.--Dysentery. Prolapse ani. Pressure down in anus when sitting. Constipation.

Female.--Menses painful; flow lasts only an hour or day; late, scanty, short. Amenorrhoea, with ophthalmia.

Male.--Spasmodic retraction of genitals, with pressure above pubic bone. Condyloma and sycotic excrescences. Prostatitis. Nocturnal irritability of bladder; dribbling urine.

Respiratory.--Frequent yawning when walking in open air. Profuse, fluent coryza in morning, with much cough and expectoration. Influenza. Gags when clearing the throat in morning. Whooping-cough only in day-time, with profuse lachrymation.

Skin.--First stage of measles; eye symptoms marked. Consequence of external injuries.

Sleep.--Yawning when walking in open air. Sleepy during day.

Fever.--Chilly and cold. Sweat mostly on chest, at night during sleep.

Modalities.--Worse, in evening, indoors, warmth; south winds; from light. Better, from coffee, in dark.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Camph; Puls. Compare: Hydrophyllum-Burr -flower--(catarrhal inflammation of eyes; hot lachrymation with itching, swollen lids, dull headache; also for effects of Poison-Oak); Cepa; Ars; Gels; Kali hyd; Sabadilla.

Dose.--Third to sixth potency.


