Hering’s Law of Direction of Cure – A Reliable Tool in Homeopathic Therapeutics

Hering’s Law of Direction of Cure – A Reliable Tool in Homeopathic Therapeutics




Recently, some colleagues (Saine, 14), have doubted the veracity of terming Dr. Constantine Hering’s observations a law, when they do not observe every aspect fulfilled in a case. This paper seeks to restore faith in this law as an indispensable clinical tool, with the help of reliable perspectives from homeopaths of great capability. Dr. Hering described his observations as a “law of order” (of symptom expression) in his Preface (12, Appendix 1) to the 1845 American edition of The Chronic Diseases by Samuel Hahnemann. (9, Appendix 2)


Nearly a hundred years ago, master homeopaths: JT Kent, HC Allen, JH Allen, PC Muzumdar and others, understood the application of Hahnemann’s theory of miasms in clinical case management in addition to Hering’s Law of Direction of Cure. They regarded this law on par with the Law of Similars and were tremendously successful.


Essential to observing and accurately applying the law is to first thoroughly understand the expression and progress of disease in an individual case. Second, perceive the conceptual details of the law accurately interpreted in that case, aptly supported by miasmatic interpretation of the phenomenology that develops.


Dr. Praful Vijaykar, (7, 15, 16) a contemporary homeopath, has correlated the “law of order” observed by Hering, with the embryological development of a fetus. He also uses this explain the concept of ‘suppression’ in homeopathy; recognizing a pattern of deteriorating disease opposite to the direction of cure, individual to every case (15).


A homeopath must seriously consider anomalies i.e. counterfactuals (2, 13) to this natural law and appropriately interpret this for clinical management.





In recent past, an esteemed colleague (Saine, 15) had doubted the veracity of terming the direction of cure a law, since he could not observe every aspect fulfilled. His wide influence on other homeopaths through his article is regrettable. He states (Saine, 15) “It is reasonable to assume that Kent was the one that officialized the term "Hering's law" and so inadvertently popularized the concept of the existence of a clear and precise law of direction of cure.” It appears many assumptions of history have been made, among various others, in his article (Saine, 15) while below, I suggest a better understanding and application of the law instead.


This paper seeks to restore faith in this law as an indispensable clinical tool with the help of reliable perspectives from homeopaths of great capability. Dr. C. Hering described this “law of order” in his Preface (12, Appendix 1) to the 1845 American edition of The Chronic Diseases (9, Appendix 2, 2.1) by Samuel Hahnemann.



The Law:


The 5 directions of cure Dr. Hering observed were from above, downwards; within, outwards; center to periphery; from more important to less important organs, in the chronologically reverse order of disease development (Appendix 1).


A Law speaks of a recurrent pattern that exists in Nature. With a thorough conceptual understanding of these patterns and conditions necessary to fulfill or violate them, one uses the law with hindsight in the various clinical decisions of remedy choice or change, as well as posology. Often this is not a conscious application, but an intuitive guide after achieving adequate conceptual training of the patterns of cure, supported by clinical experience.


Dr. ML Dhawle, MD, FAMS, (5,6) a pioneering homeopath and founder of the Institute of Clinical Research, Mumbai, that today runs over 6 successful homeopathic hospitals (apart from clinics) in and around Mumbai (Pavaskar,13), wrote in his article on Experimental design for Clinical Research in Homeopathy (Dhawle, 6):

“Homeopathy is scientific in that it is governed by two laws:

1.                   The Law of Similars: The fundamental law of selection of the similar dynamic force which demands a total understanding of the concept of the Hahnemanian totality, the ability to perceive it in the area of disease (drug as well as natural) and the capacity to achieve its establishment on the similar plane through the adoption of suitable techniques and the application of the right clinical judgment.

2.                   The Law of Direction of Cure (Hering): The law of verification that gives us the requisite feedback in respect of the accuracy we have achieved in respect of the correct application of the Law of Similars.


And we must ever remember that Law does not recognize exceptions.”



If such an intelligent, medically trained, scientific homeopath, with clinical experience spanning over 50 years had little reason to doubt the clinical veracity of Hering’s Law of Cure, we must think seriously before we trivialize the law.  



An Embryological Perspective of the Law:


Dr. Praful Vijaykar, (8, 16, 17) an extremely successful homeopath from Mumbai, developed a reliable correlation of Hering’s Law based on an irrefutable pattern in nature – the in-utero development process of an embryo. His book, The Theory of Suppression (16)  states, (quoted for brevity)

“The (fertilized) human egg, like that of any chordate egg differentiates into various organs and systems. Before it differentiates…., it gives rise to 3 germinal layers:

a)                   Ectoderm

b)                   Endoderm

c)                   Mesoderm

The fourth is a specialized ectoderm called the neuroderm or neuro-ectoderm.


Ectoderm: Gives rise to all the organs which are in connection or exposed to the external environment (skin). It is of least importance, …our first layer.


Endoderm: Forms the respiratory tube lining, gastro-intestinal tube lining and urinary tract lining. This is also … exposed to the external environment. … forms our 2nd layer.


Mesoderm: Gives rise to the viscera (lungs, heart, kidneys) or parenchyma of viscera. These organs arise out of mesothelium of mesoderm. (4th layer)


Connective tissue: …connection between endoderm derivatives and mesoderm derivatives …is established by tissues arising out of the mesenchyme of the medoserm…. the connective tissue includes blood, lymph, bones, cartilages, muscles, dermis and fascias, and coverings of organs. (3rd layer)


The neuro endocrine glands are externally derived from ectoderm, endoderm or even mesoderm, But the functional part of it, i.e. the secretary cells are of either neural crest in origin or neuroectodermal in origin. (5th Layer)


The nervous system, whether it is central or peripheral and the brain are derived from the neuroectoderm which is a specialized ectoderm. (6th layer)


….As the embryo grows, the nutrition is supplied from the first formed organ which acts as the chief source.

*The first to form is the Precordial plate which represents the head part. In the cure axis, the head or brain or upper part is more important than other parts which are formed later.

* The cephalo-caudal axis so formed denotes the higher to lower level importance

* The spread of mesoderm paraxially from inside out

*  and from dorsal to ventral region also denotes the importance of that direction.


All these indicate the 4 directions of cure:

a) More important to less important

b) Above downwards

c) Inside out and

d) Centre to periphery


Ecoderm is least important when it forms skin and most important when it forms brain and neural tissue. The Endoderm and Mesoderm give rise to organs which are in between. How beautifully the circle becomes complete! From ectoderm – to endoderm – to mesoderm – to neuro-ectoderm – to ectoderm once again.”



Explanatory details can be read in my article (D’souza, 8). Embryological development involves serious study, but worth the investment. One develops a conceptual idea of natural patterns in this process which is a sophisticated explanation of Hering’s Law of Cure. Dr. Vijaykar’s insight into embryology, maps suppression (in 7 layers) and miasmatic deterioration therapeutically, and is brilliant and clinically reliable.



Clinical Perspective of the Law:


Science today has realized the necessity of natural laws; universal patterns in nature, though these rely on inductive logic based on a priori premises. We could add to our conditions on laws, that in addition to being universal in form, they support counterfactual conditions. It is crucial to bear in mind that this is a symptom of their being laws, not an explanation of it (Rosenberg, 14). This is how we understand the difference between a law and an accidental generalization. Laws are not expected to express logical necessities of truth. It is not necessary for a universal law to hold true in every instance, because there will exist counterfactual conditions to them (Appiah, 2).


Hence it’s possible to detect an anomaly in natural law, as a clash with observation or experiment, without rejecting the law. What makes a mere generalization a law, is the necessity of linking cause with effect as seen in applications of Hering’s Law. It is expected that universal laws continue to be modified over time, as conditions are added to it and anomalies further explained.  Straightforward cases and acute clinical conditions always support the law of cure. One counterfactual condition for observed anomalies of the law in complicated clinical cases is Hahnemann’s theory of miasms.


Groups of homeopaths who perceived miasmatic expression in individual disease evolution, also successfully in applied Hering’s Law. Among contemporary groups, listed in ‘References’ are Dr. ML Dhawle’s ICR, Mumbai (5, 6, 13); Dr. Praful Vijaykar (8, 16, 17), Mumbai; David Little (12) www.simillimum.com . Among master homeopaths that had effectively done so, were JT Kent MD, JF Allen MD and HC Allen MD, Stuart Close MD, PC Muzumdar. These homeopaths also correlated the philosophy of miasms parallel to their spiritual backgrounds.


JH Allen MD, reflects the necessity of combining Hering’s Law with miasms, in The Chronic Miasms Vol 1 (1), pg.106-108

 “We can only understand the forces of nature by and through law; because law is the relater of all things, as it is only through it the unknown principle (the miasm) is clearly revealed to us with all its attending phenomena. It is also true that we can only see through law the mystery of suppression, for suppression itself is a retrograde process or a deflection of law, or it is a physiological law opposed. The physician who suppresses any miasmatic state, or disease process if you wish, is an enemy of law or at least there is not mutual understanding between him and law. We must first law rules not alone the visible things, but all invisible as well…… Why? Because both the life and the disease (and you know disease is perverted life) work from within outward and form above downward and not from without inward; even the very unit of live (the cell) works from within outward or from its nucleus. The life is within, not without; the disease is within, not upon the surface. It is only an expression of it that you see. You can never see disease any more that you can see life itself. ……

….Therapeutically speaking then, we must enter into correspondence with it (life), we must deal with that which animates the organism and gives it its being, the life. Nature is the complement of life; but we must assist nature through its right channels and by the way of law. Disease appears through the medium of the same law that governs life, and we must work with it along these lines.

The miasm is the opposing force to the life force; therefore the forces we being against it must be in true opposition to the miasm and not alone against the life itself or we disturb it more. It must go with the life (force) and work through the life (force) and be in co-operation with life (force). Any other procedure endangers suppression or a greater deflection of the perverted life force.”



When is the Law not clinically obvious?


In my clinical experience, some reasons why Hering’s Law may not be obvious in certain instances are:


1.      Lack of proper conceptual understanding of the patterns described in this natural law: Without a conceptual idea of observing these patterns in various disease conditions, and knowledge of how differently various diseases manifest, a homeopath can make inappropriate observations of clinical processes and symptom expressions. A lot of this application is learnt over a lifetime, following adequate exposure to the myriad of clinical manifestations of diseases. With a sincere motivation to learn and an open mind, affordable training is available (4, 5).


2.      Lack of adequate correlation of clinical response with the miasmatic evolution of disease in every individual case: Most homeopaths have not been taught to observe Hering’s Law and maismatic evolution from the phenomenological standpoint.(D’Souza, 7) For example, in the process of cure in a clinical case, a disease condition will manifest with an expression of inherited miasmatic traits, contrary in direction to dominant miasm. I referred to this as a “counterfactual condition” to Hering’s Law. A manifestation of disease comes up during cure contrary to expected pattern. This is often related to an ‘old’ symptom in the individual’s life caused by inherited diathesis, whose expression was partially suppressed in favour of the individual’s own active, acquired miasm. The remedy indicated in this stage is an anti miasmatic remedy that covers the inherited miasmatic totality (Appendix 2, 2.3). When this ‘block’ is overcome, the constitutional remedy will be indicated again and cure will proceed as per the law.


Dr. JH Allen states; The Chronic Miasms Vol 2, pg. 109,

“The cases of chronic trouble that do not receive the basic miasmatic remedy sometime in the course of their treatment are either palliated, or as Hahnemann says, ‘suspended for a time, only to return more grievous than before’. Again the basic miasmic remedy fulfills all the requirements of the law, indeed the law is only satisfied or brought to its height of action against the contending forces of disease by an anti-miasmatic selection.



3.      Inveterate Diseases as described by Hahnemann explained in the Organon (10) Aph.51, 206 and in The Chronic Diseases (9, Appendix 2: 2.2): These cases may have combined miasms, both inherited and acquired that have been subject to suppressive treatments and surgical intervention. Some of these suppressive treatments include: Steriods; anti-allergic drugs; long term symptomatic allopathic treatment for a particular long term ailment like diabetes, hypertension; long term painkillers; un-indicated antibiotics; hormonal treatments and contraceptives; gold salts; etc.
The similimum remedy will certainly work in most of these situations, but will it cure?? First, these drugs produce DRUG disease, Hahnemann explains in Aphorism 74, (10). Second, a specifically indicated remedy may be needed, different to the constitutional remedy. Third, continued allopathic medications produce masking symptoms and proving symptoms (artifacts) that interfere with the prescriptive totality, making it difficult to perceive the similimum and appropriately interpret remedy-response. Fourth, Hering’s Law becomes unclear or manifests partially due to these ‘artifacts’. Managing such cases (Case Examples, Barvalia, 3) is an art of anti-miasmatic prescribing, requiring training, (4, 5) experience with (quite) a few failed attempts. If the vital force remains strong, and not over ridden by these external assaults, there is hope for long term cure – but the ride ahead is bumpy.

4.       Dr. Vijaykar points out some instances where disease expression and its cure may be apparently contrary to Hering’s law: (16, pgs 44-49).
a) Chicken pox, small pox, measles, herpes, eruptions have a direction of expression opposite to that of common ectodermal diseases. These viral diseases have enanthema followed by exanthema to release of toxins. These are neuro-ectodermal diseases which throw out toxins from the centre to the periphery, from above downward. Hence when they resolve, the direction is from periphery to centre and from below upward! Suppression of these diseases in miasmatically vulnerable individuals causes neurological complications like encephalitis, etc.
b) In incurable diseases, (7th Layer, diseases of the genetic code), compensatory cure takes place, with a restoration to almost normal function. The constitutional similimum brings about as much cure possible, given structural genetic abnormalities. These compensatory cures do not manifest Hering’s directions of cure.




Clinical Steps when Hering’s Law isn’t perceived:


Presuming we have accurately obtained information in a case, to analyze the evolution of disease with miasmatic interpretation, we need to be critical of our remedy choice and case management when the case appears to move contrary to Hering’s Law. A cursory approach towards observing Hering’s law could amount to homeopathic medical negligence.


Questions to ask when the movement of symptom expression is contrary to the law:

1) Is the remedy truly similimum? Is it a partial similimum? Is it palliating the case? Do I need to review for an appropriate similimum?

Remedies prescribed on mental state only or on a core delusion that is not correlated with physical generals and characteristics are often partial remedies or palliatives. These remedies may cause a feeling of ‘well being’ but in cases of sycotic or syphilitic miasmatic backgrounds, the disease process continues unabated, with superficial ammelioration. Others, who prescribe on specific physical symptoms and keynotes, with no concern for the mental state, cause similar palliation.


Dr. Vijaykar, admitting his mistakes in early practice, perceived the need to prescribe the accurate “genetic constitutional similimum”, where Hering’s Law was fulfilled for true cure. (16, pgs. 59-64) His point: if remedy choice is truly similar, it has to be balanced, covering both mental and physical characteristics according to the merits of the case. Perceive the case in totality of what is characteristic in both the mind and the body.

2) If the remedy is truly similar, partially curing but not following Hering’s law; evaluate the miasmatic expression; Aph.206 (10).

Is there a miasmatic block requiring an anti-miasmatic remedy? Eg: Sulphur, Thuja, Sepia, Nitric Acid, Merc, Tub, other nosodes. Hahnemann (9) observed clinically, when combined miasms existed, one had to carefully unwind the miasmatic suppression, being vigilant with frequent follow up for change in symptom picture indicating a change in miasmatic remedy.(D’Souza, 7) Clinically this involves judicious interpolation of anti-miasmatic remedy for the active miasm, followed by the constitutional remedy.


3) If no miasmatic block seen, investigate the patient’s past history for suppressive intervention around the presenting symptoms; Aph.207, (10).

a) Is this a picture of an old acute condition suppressed by antipathy, allopathy, wrong homeopathic remedies, surgery? An acute similimum is required which may be alternated with or supported by the constitutional remedy, based on change/alternation of symptom picture; Aph.232-234, (10).

b) Is there an incurable pathological or structural change? The case requires palliation. A constitutional remedy palliates when the vital power and susceptibility are good. But in patients with poor susceptibility e.g. close to death, the specifically indicated (partial) remedy or acute remedy is a better choice.

c) Is this a new picture of a true acute condition? It is possibly an acute and strong onslaught (infection) from the environment (acute miasm), as in epidemics, and requires the genus epidemicus or an acute similimum, followed by chronic similimum.  

4) All 5 directions of cure do not have to manifest at every instance in disease development in a case. The direction of cure in time (chronology), takes precedence over the other 4 directions at any point in time. The intelligent perception and experience of the homeopath is vital for this intuitive interpretation. Embryological correlation further clarifies this.




Important to training in clinical observation is the phenomenological approach to disease evolution and miasmatic management (7) that supports and is complementary to concepts in Hering’s Law of Cure. The phenomenological approach of miasmatic evolution is one major contribution from ML Dhawle’s ICR (5). Unfortunately, published clinical cases explaining the law are few (18) and this should be remedied in the future.


One must perceive the depth of homeopathic philosophy in health and disease, to successfully interpret the Law of Cure clinically. Often this is a lifelong learning process, as with everything else in homeopathy. Each case evolves differently and individually, and has to be investigated with its individuality of evolution in miasm and suppression. Then, Hering’s Law can be successfully applied to guide healing with appropriately prescribed similimums. Dr. Vijaykars’ ‘levels of disease’ is a reliable correlation to understanding this application, seek to study it. (8,16, 17)


I suggest that counterfactual to anomalies in Hering’s Law of Cure, is the theory of miasms as Hahnemann taught. I quote a renowned professor and successful clinician Dr. PM Barvalia, MD, on the importance of understanding miasmatic correlation, (Barvalia, 3)

 An integration of the miasmatic totality is crucial in the Anamnesis of cases with genetic disorders (and diseases where Hering’s Law isn’t clear - Leela)                         
Revisiting this area of disease from the Homoeopathic perspective will be immensely helpful to the entire homeopathic medical fraternity, enabling us to handle many serious genetic disorders where very little can be done by Modern Medicine. NOSODES are the most potent, deeper forces of our remedy armamentarium that can play decisive role in the cure of these diseases. This will demand a whole hearted acceptance of Hahnemann's miasmatic doctrine in the Theory of Chronic Diseases, while keeping our analytical faculty open, agile and active. Any ambivalence to our own philosophy will be disastrous and self-destructive.”
