1. Blood Pressure Remedies
Antimonium Crudum
Much concerned about his fate.Cross
and contradictive;whenever is done,fails to give him satisfaction.Sulky,doesnot
wish to speak,Peevish,vexed without cause,Heaviness in the forehead,with
vertigo.Tongue coated thick white,as if white-washed.Loss of
appetite.Desire for acids and pickles,Eructation tasting of the
ingesta.Heart-burn,nausea and vomiting.Alternate diarrhea and
constipation.Cough,worse when coming in a warm room.
2. Antipyrene:
seizures,Contractures,Trembling & Cramps,General prostration.Oppression and dyspnea.Faintness,with sensation of
stoppage of heart.Cheyne-Strokes respiration.Rapid,weak and irregular
pulse.Throbbing throughout the whole body.Edema and puffiness of the face.Urine
3. Apis Mellifica
Lids swollen;red,edematopus.Pale,waxy or odematous countenance.Thirstlessness,Vomiting of food.Carving
for milk.Urine suppressed;loaded with
casts;scanty and high-colored.Constipation.Feels,as if something would
break on straining.Haemorrhoids,with stinging pains.Feels,as it he would not be
able to draw another breath.Sudden puffing up of the whole body.
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