Blood Pressure Remedies

1.   Argentum Nitricum:

Headache with coldness and trembling.Brain-fag,with general debility and trembling.Vertigo,with buzzing in the ears.Sensation,as of a splinter in the throat on swallowing.Belching accompanies most of the ailments.Pulse irregular and intermittent.Palpitation,worse lying on the right side,Walks and stands unsteadily.Great craving for side.Walks and stands unsteadily.Great craving for sweets.Melancholic;apprehensive of some serious disease sweets.Melancholic;apprehensive of some serious disease.


2.   Arjune:

A great heart remedy.Highly effective in cases of high blood pressure ,with vertigo,palpitation and a sense of mental and physical exhaustion.


3.   Arsencium Album:

Great thirst,drinks much,but little at a time,Nausea,retching and vomiting;after eating or drinking.Craves and pungent things.Heart-burn,Long lasting,cructations.Is unable to lie down;fears suffocation.Asthma,worse at midnight.Wheezing repiration,Palpitation.Ascities and Anassarca.Abdomen painful and swollen;albuminous urine,Scanty and burning urine.Great prostration.Gradual loss of weight from impaired nutrition.Great anguish and restlessness.Despair drives him from place to place.
