Blood Pressure Remedies

1.   Asafoetida:


Syphilitc ulceration,with offensive,prulent discharges.Caries of different bones.Sensation of a ball rising in the throat.Faltulence.Great difficulty in bringing up the wind.Cutting and burning in the stomach.Obstinate constipation,Spasmodic tight in the stomach.Obstinate constipation.Spasmodic tightness in the chest,as of lungs could not be fully expanded.

2.   Aspargus Officinalis:

Its marked and innediate action on the urinary secretion is well-known.Weakness and cardiac depression.Palpitation with oppression of the chest.Great oppression in breathing.Rheumatic pain in the back,especially near shoulder and limbs.

3.   Aurum Metallicum

Hopeless,desponent,and great desire to commit suicide.Palpitation and congestion.Its particularly useful for mercurio syphilitic dyscrasia.Peevish and vehement at least contradicition.Weakness of memory.Roaring in the head.Violent headache.Congestion to head.Double vision;upper half of objects invisible.Sees fiery objects.Horrible odor from the nose and mouth.Obstinate constipation.Stools hard and painful.Urine turbid,like butter-milk.Dyspnoea,worseat night.Sleeplessness,Palpitation.Pulse rapid and irregular.Cardiac Hypertrophy.Asterio-sclerosis,with high blood pressure and nocturnal pain behind sternum.Tumultuous fluttering of heart and anxiety,with a sense of oppression in chest.
