BBlood Pressure Therapeutics
1. Ammonium Carb
Shocks through the head.Pulsating pain in the forehead,better
from hard pressure.Aversion to light.Forgetfulness,Il-humour.Stoppage of nostrilis at night,with long
continued Coryza.Epistaxis in morning on washing and after eating.nose
congested.Great appetite,but easily satisfied.Stools,difficult,hard.Bloody
piles worse during menses.White,sandy,bloddy,copious,turbid or fetid
urine.Chest feels tired.Slow,labored,stertorous breathing.
2. Amyl Nitrite
Palpatation of the heart and similar conditions are really cured by it,especially the
flushings and other discomforts at Climateric.Hic-cough and yawning.Surging of blood to the head and face.Sense of
constriction in the throat.Collar seems too tight.Dyspnea and asthmatic
feelings.Great oppression and fullness of chest.Praecordial anxiety.Tumultuous
action of the heart.Much flushing of heat;sometimes followed by cold and
clammy skin and profuse sweat.Throbbing throughout the whole body.Constant
strectching for hours.
3. Angustura Vera
Pain in the knees.Cracking in the
joints.Arms feel tired and heavy.Drawing
in the nape of the neck.Headaches,with heat of face.Acute pain in checks.Drawing
in facial msucles.Cramp-like pain in the zygomatich arch.Irrestible desire
for coffee.Atonic Dyspepsia.Belching,with cough.Bitter taste in the
mouth.Tenesmus with soft stool.Burning in the anus.
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