Blood Pressure Therapeutics

Blood Pressure Therapeutics

1.   Bothrops Lanceolatus

Great lassitude and sluggishness,Hemiplegia with Aphasia.Nervous trembling.Face puffy and swollen;Besotted expression.Great difficulty of swallowing;cannot even swallow liquids.Haemorrhages from almost every orifice of the body.Black vomiting.Intense Haematemesis.

2.   Bromium

Every inspiration provokes cough,Hypertrophy of the heart,from over-exercise or gymnastics.Difficult and painful breathing.Rattling of mucus in the larynx.Hoarseness.Testicles swollen and indurated.Jerking and starting during sleep.Headache,worse from heat of sun and by rapid motion.

3.   Bryonia Alba

Excessive dryness of mucous membranes of the entire body.Lips and tongue dry,parched,cracked;stools dry,as if burnt;cough dry;hard,racking with scanty expectoration;urine dark and scanty.GREAT THIRST,for large quantities at long intervals.Pressure,as from stone at pit of stomach,relieved by eructation.(Nux Vomica,Pulsatilla).Nausea and faintness when rising up.Mind exceedingly irritable.Everything puts him out of humor.Bursting or splitting headache-as if everything would be pressed out.
