Blood Pressure Therapeutics

1.   Causticum

Coryza with hoarseness.Paralysis if tongue,with indistinct speech.Gums bleed readily.Acid Dyspepsia.Feels as if lime were burned in the stomach.Urine expelled very slowly;sometimes retained.Cough with pain in the hip,and better by drinking cold water.Pain in the chest with palpitation.Stiffness between shoulders.Paralysis of single parts.Unsteady walking,Aversion to weets.

2.   Chelidonium

Small lumps of mucus fly from the mouth when coughing.Feeling of constriction in the chest.Embarrassed respiration.Prefers hot food and drink.Nausea or vomiting;better from taking very hot water.Gastralgia,relieved by eating.Pain through stomach to back and right shoulder-blade.Right-sided headache.Fan-like motion of the nostril.Pain in the liver.Hard stools,like sheep’s dung.Clay-colored stools.

3.   Chininum Arsenicosum

Head feels too full.Throbbing headache.Vertigo,worse from looking up. Darting pains running up into head.Hyperchlorhydria.Eggs produce Diarrhoea.Anorexia.Suffocative attacks,occurring in periodical paroxysms.Must have open air.Palpitation.Sensation as if the heart stopped beating.Water tastes bitter.Sleeplessness,Great irritability.
