Blood Pressure Therapeutics

1.   Coffea Cruda

Short,dry cough.Nervous palpitation.All senses are acutely sensitive.Tossing about in anguish. Is full of ideas and quick to act,Seems,as if brain were torn to pieces,or as if nail were driven in head, Intolerance of tight clothing about the stomach,Sleepless,on account of mental activity.

2.   Conium

Sexual nervousness, with feeble erection. Testicles hard and enlarged.Much difficulty in voiding urine;it flows and stops again.Frequent urging for stool.Tremulous weakness after every stool.Vertigo,when lying down and when turning over in bed.No inclination for business or study.Takes no interest in anything.

3.   Convallaria Majalis

Dull headache.Coppery taste in mouth.Tongue feels sore and scalded.Pain in the sacro-iliac joints,running down leg.Orthropnoea.Palpitation from least exertion.Tobacco heart,especially when due to cigarettes.Angina Pectoris.Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.Dropsy,due to heart troubles.Is of use when ventricles are over distended and dilation begins.
