1. Hydrastis
Bronchitis in old exhausted persons with thick yellow tenacious expectoration.Frequent fainting spells,with cold sweat all over.Constipation.After stool,long lasting pain in the rectum.Anus fissures.Urine smells decomposed.Atonic Dyspepsia.Tongue white,swollen large,flabby and slimy;shows imprint of teeth.
2. Hydrocyanic Acid
Noisy and agitated breathing.Dry spasmodic,suffocation cough.Venously congested lungs.Marked cyanosis.Violent palpitation.Pulse weak and irregular.Extremities cold.Torturing pain in the chest.Angina Pectoris.Pain and tightness in the chest.Unconsciosness.Fears everything_horses,wagons,houses failing etc.
IberisPossesses great efficacy in cardiac diseases,since it has marked action upon the heart.Controls vascular excitement in Hypertrophy with thickening of the heart's walls.Liver region full and painful.White stools.Palpitation with vertigo and choking in throat.Stitching pains in cardiac region.Pulse full irregular and intermittent.Worse from least motion and in a warm room.Dropsy,with enlarged heart.Violent palpitation induced by slightest exertion or by laughing or coughing.Cardiac dyspnea.Tachycardia.
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