Blood Pressure Therapeutics

31st July

1.   Idoformum

Sharp neuralgia pain in the head.Head feels heavy ,as if it could not be lifted from the pillow.Feeling of a weight on the chest,as if smothering.Cough and wheezing on going to bed.Pain in the left breast,like a hand grasping at the base of the heart.Haemoptysis.Asthmathic breathing.Abdomen distended.Chronic Diarrhoea.Temper irritable.Weakness of knees.when going upstairs. 


2.   Kali Bichromicum

Voice hoarse,worse evening. Metallic hacking cough.Profuse,yellow expectoration,very glutinous and sticky,coming out in long,stringy and very tenacious mass.Pain from midsternum to back.Cardiac dialation,especially from co-existing renal lesion.Pains fly rapidly from one place to another. Heavily coated tougue.Mapped tongue.Aphthae.Loaded feeling in the stomach immediately after eating.General weakness.Frontal headache. 

3.   Kali Carbonicum

Drowsy after eating.Great exhaustion. Severe backache.Lumbago,with sharp pains extending up & down back and to thighs.Cough worse at 3 am.Leaning forward relieves chest symptoms. Palpitation and burning in the heart region.Sensations,as if heart were suspended. Weak rapid or intermittent pulse.Threatened heart-failure.Dropscial swelling of extremities.Bag like swelling of the upper eyelids.Involuntarty urination when coughing,sneezing  etc.Sour vomiting. Easy choking when eating.

4.   Kali Phosphoricum

Paralytic numbness,in back and extremities.Exertion aggravates.Breath offensive or fetid.Tongue coated brownish,like mustard.Spongy and receding gums.Cough,with yellow expectoration. Asthma the least food aggravates.Shortness of breath,worse on going upstairs.Palpitation.Vertigo worse when lying,sitting,standing up or looking upward.Headache with weary,empty or gone feeling in the stomach. 
