Stress and Strategies to overcome our Stress level


Stress is your reaction to any change that requires you to adjust or respond.

In the modern life style we usually hear this phrase from everyone even the teenagers, who don’t know what exactly it means really they use this phrase frequently like”I am stressed out” .

Even at workplace we feel stress due to many reasons for example when the meeting was urgent but it was postponed due to any unplanned reason like rainy day, someone has died etc. When the company policies are not shared with us, whenever we face uncertainties at workplace like annual salaries were incremented but lower than our expectations, the bonuses were not given due to Pandemic, the work is unmanageable due to technical issues.

It's important to remember that you can control stress, because stress comes from how you respond to stressful events.

We don’t ignore that the persistent stressful situations in our life causes various diseases like diabetes,hypertension,cardiac ailments,skin diseases,thyroid dysfunction,impaired harmonal balance,irritable bowel syndrome.


Stress overall impact on our mental,physical,emotional and social lives.


First we need to develop the mindset that help us to overcome on stress.We need to adopt strategies that help us to reduce the stress.

1-Take frequent breaks. Sometimes it might be impossible when you have urgent work that required your full attention but try to do some basic exercise that includes exercise of eye muscles and doing some basic exercises that includes stretching of your leg muscles.

2-Walk around during your break time. This really help to mobilize the joints and help stretch the body muscles.

3-Getting a bit of air in between brainstorming sessions helps to clear mind from worries and cut down on the influx of stressful thoughts.

4-Inhale and exhale, doing simple breathing exercise in the calm environment during break time helps us to deal with the worst scenario at workplace. As this provides ample oxygen to the brain and helps to reduce stress.

5-Take small snack like grab some almonds or roasted peanuts, fruits like apple.

6-Make a call to your friends during your break time or watch funny video helps us to reduce the stress at workplace. Sometime little efforts to distract our thoughts from the stressful workplace helps to maintain work life balance in our life as we are human being not robotics.



