Homeopathic Summer Essentials


Homeopathic Summer Essentials

1. Ledum palustre

It relieves swelling and itching of mosquito bites.

2- Urtica Urens

It heals sun allergies with stinging or itching.

It reduces skin rash due to food allergies.


It uses in sudden hot flash, sunstroke and headache.

It relieves red face and throbbing headache after prolonged heat exposure

·      CES


It is useful to treat blisters and bladder infection.

It relieves painful sunburn with blisters.


5-Apis Mellifica

It is  useful to treat skin rashes.The skin condition is swollen and itchy skin.

The skin symptoms involves burning skin or lips

6-Ledum palustre

It is included in the 1st aid remedies when the wounds are punctured.It is also helpful in insect bites.

7-Cuprum metallicum

It is helpful in the cramping muscles. It is helpful in the heat exhaustion.Its symptoms includes light headedness. The pulse is rapid. The cold sweat

8-Glonoinum & Belladonna

The face is red.The throbbing headache.It includes fever

9-Natrum muriaticum

The sun-induced rashes.The sun allergy.

10-Urtica Urens

It is use in the sun allergies.The symptoms includes itching.

It is aggravated by cold and water

11-Hypericum perforatum

It is helpful in the sun-induced rashes


It is helpful in the red hot sunburn.It is burning sensation


It is helpful in sunburn.It also uses in the second degree burns.



