Albuminuria or Proteinuria is a condition of having too much protein in the urine which results from damage within the kidneys.

Albuminuria in diabetes will usually be the result of either long term hyperglycemia or hypertension.

When the kidneys are working correctly they filter waste products out of the blood but keep in important elements including albumin. Albumin is a protein which helps to prevent water from leaking out of the blood into other tissues.


Conditions that can cause a temporary rise in the levels of protein in urine, but do not necessarily indicate kidney damage, include:

·         Dehydration

·         Emotional stress

·         Exposure to extreme cold

·         Fever

·         Strenuous exercise

Diseases and conditions that can cause persistently elevated levels of protein in urine, which might indicate kidney disease, include:

·         Amyloidosis, buildup of abnormal protein in organs.

·         Certain drugs, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

·         Chronic kidney disease.

·         Diabetes.

·         Endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart.

·         Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.

·         Glomerulonephritis, inflammation in the kidney cells that filter waste from the blood.

·         Heart disease

·         Heart  failure.

·         High blood pressure.

·         Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

·         Berger’s disease, kidney inflammation resulting from a buildup of the antibody immunoglobulin A.

·         Pyelonephritis, kidney infection.

·         Lupus.

·         Malaria.

·         Multiple myeloma.

·         Nephrotic syndrome, damage of the small filtering blood vessels in the kidneys.

·         Orthostatic proteinuria, urine protein level rises when in an upright position.

·         Preeclampsia.

·         Pregnancy.

·         Rheumatoid arthritis.

·         Sarcoidosis, collections of inflammatory cells in the body.

·         Sickle cell anemia.


Often, someone with albuminuria does not experience symptoms, especially if kidneys are just beginning to have problems. However, if albuminuria is advanced, symptoms can include:

·         More frequent urination

·         Shortness of breath

·         Tiredness

·         Nausea and vomiting

·         Swelling in the face, belly, feet or ankles

·         Lack of appetite

·         Muscle cramping at night

·         Puffiness around the eyes, especially in the morning

·         Foamy or bubbly urine


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When ALBUMINURIA   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

APIS MELLIFICA:  Albuminuria with nephritis. Scanty high colored urine. Urine loaded with casts, contain blood.  Coffee colored sediment. Edema, swelling on the face, eyelids, legs, ankle joint and feet. Edema without thirst.  Burning and soreness on urinating.

CANTHARIS: Urine contains albumin and blood. Constant desire to urinate. Intolerable tenesmus, cutting before, during and after urine. Urine is passed drop by drop. Scanty urine.  Kidney region is very sensitive. Pain in the kidney area. Nephritis. Dropsy.

CANNABIS SATIVA: Scanty, burning urine, passed drop by drop. Burning while urinating extending to bladder.

CALCAREA ARSENICOSA: Albuminuria and dropsy. Nephritis with great sensitivity of kidney region. Kidney region sensitive to pressure. Frequent urination, passes urine every hour. Albuminuria during pregnancy. Albuminuria with heart disease.

CHIMAPHILA UMBELLETA: Scanty urine loaded with ropy, muco-purulent sediment. Burning and scalding during urination and straining afterwards. Clots of blood in urine. Frequent desire to urinate. Constant pain in the kidney region.

DULCAMARA: Nephritis. Pain in the kidney region.  Frequent urination. Painful urination. Urine, cloudy, slimy or foul. Urine has thick, mucous, purulent sediment. Dropsy.

FERRUM IODATUM: Urine dark. Urine , sweet smelling, dark colored, depositing thick white sediment. Albuminuria in diabetic persons. Pain in the kidney region, especially left one.

HELONIAS: Urine , profuse, clear, contains albumin , and phosphates. Constant aching pain , and extreme tenderness of kidneys. Burning sensation at the kidneys. Burning scalding when urinating. Frequent desire and urge. Vomiting. Albuminaria of pregnancy.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM:  Urine scanty, contains albumin and blood. Red sediment in urine. Polyuria during the night. Pain in the kidney region, especially right. Urine burning hot.

MERC COR.: Urine albuminous. Urine santy or suppressed. Urine contains albumin and blood. Urine hot, burning , passed drop by drop. Frequent dribbling of urine, worse sitting. Edematous swelling of face. Upper and lower lip swollen. Urine albuminous during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

NITRIC ACID: Scanty , dark, offensive urine. Urine smells strong as horse’s or offensive. Urine bloody and albuminous. Urine turbid.  Nephritis. Burning and stinging in the kidney region.

PHOSPHORIC ACID:  Albuminuria with diabetes. Frequent, profuse, watery, milky urine. Frequent urination at night. Burning in kidney region. Weakness. Presence of albumin during fever or after fever.

PLUMBUM METALLICUM: Scanty urine. Urine contains albumin, blood, oxalate, epithelial cells, hyaline casts. Swelling of face and eyelids. Excessive debility.

TEREBINTHINA: Nephritis.  Burning, drawing pain in the region of kidney. Urine contains albumin and blood. Urine scanty or suppressed. Painful urination.  Urine smoky with coffee grounds or thick, yellow, slimy, muddy sediment. Swelling of face and eyelids.
