Clinical case

 Salman, a 64-year-old, consults for “arthritis”. In fact, he described debilitating, mechanical pain located in the spine, hips and knees. He complains of stiffness that requires a lengthy warm-up, in the morning when waking up and around 4 a.m. when he needs to go to the restroom to empty his bladder.


Hypertension for the past 10 years treated with


Colon polyps monitored every 3 years.

Prostate adenoma.

Severe depression at the age of 58, which triggered

•his early retirement.


FATHER: hypertension and died of colon cancer.

MOTHER: hypertension, obesity and Type 2 diabetes,

•died of uterine cancer.

Jerome describes constant pain with moments when it becomes really intense. His physical activity is limited: “at the slightest effort, the pain flares up.” Aggravation in humid cold weather. Improvement by walking.

He is overweight:

• 92 kg for 177 cm.

His mental state is fragile. Predominant fatigue

and slowness. Everything is a constraint: shopping, cooking, planning, organizing. He is sad and takes

low doses of bromazepam.


Blood pressure: 160/90

Weight: 92 kg

Stiff spine and neck

Suspicion of osteoarthritis of the hip on the right


Deformed knee without effusion



Calcarea carbonica 15 CH, 5 pellets in the morning for 15 days then 1 dose every other Sunday.


Natrum sulfuricum 15 CH, 1 dose every other Sunday.


Rhus toxicodendron 7 CH and Natrum sulfuricum 7 CH, 5 pellets of each morning and evening according to the symptoms.

PRESCRIPTION FOR 2 MONTHS. This patient needs regular follow-ups for his homeopathic treatment. Need to insist that it is important for him to persevere for 6 months with the treatment, then re-assess.

In addition to diet adjustments, moderate but regular physical activity and recommended crenotherapy for him and his wife (arthritis and nutrition).
